Financial Insights

KCM On Balance – April 2021

With spring in full bloom, the tide of optimism continues to rise. The US has surpassed President Biden’s ambitious plan to vaccinate 100 million Americans in the first one hundred days of his administration, and he has now boosted the goal to 200 million vaccines in the first 100 days. Many are hopeful that we’ll be gathering in small groups again by mid-summer and that life will begin to return to normal. All of the major stock market indices achieved new highs in the first months of 2021. Market watchers are hopeful that the ongoing recovery will continue and make 2021 a good year for stocks.

April is Financial Literacy Month, so we’re including a pair of informative videos that demonstrate the value of sticking with your investment strategy for the long term. Our first article details the tax-savings potential of the Health Savings Account. With taxes top of mind, the second piece addresses how the pandemic has brought about changes applicable to your 2020 filing. Read on to learn more about important options that the self-employed can look at to save for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis. Next up, retirees can learn more about tax savings through Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs). In our final selection, celebrate spring by cooking up some light and tasty fare that can make any meal more festive.

Articles of Interest

Why Staying Invested Through Market Ups and Downs is the Best Way to Achieve Financial Goals.

The Power of Time takes a look at what’s happened to an investment of $100,000 over the last 20+ years, and how markets have historically rewarded: patience, diversification, and tilting towards factors of return. The World’s Worst Market Timer follows the investing misadventures of Bob, who always invests money just before a market crash. Turns out, he has done all right over the years because he didn’t panic and sell.

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The Triple Tax Break You May Be Missing: Health Savings Accounts

As the filing deadline for personal income taxes approaches, an underused part of many health care plans could offer a chance to significantly reduce your tax bill. Health spending accounts, or HSAs, accept pretax contributions which then grow tax-free and are not taxed when spent on qualifying expenses.

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How the Pandemic has Changed Your Taxes

For all the changes it has wrought, the pandemic may also have consequences for your tax bill. This article addresses some of the most common questions, such as whether unemployment benefits are taxable, along with the most significant changes for 2020 filers.

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Retirement Planning for the Self-Employed: 5 Options for Lowering Taxes and Maximizing Saving.

Being your own boss has its perks, which include special retirement savings options such as SIMPLE IRAs, SEP IRAs and Solo 401(k)s. These plans permit pre-tax savings from $6,000 to nearly $300,000 annually. Read on to learn more about how you can ramp up your retirement savings. As always, would be happy to discuss these in greater detail with you.
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A Tax Break for Retirees is Back. Here’s How to Use it and What to Avoid

After an absence in 2020, Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), which allow Individual Retirement Account holders in their 70s and above to divert some of their federally taxable required distributions to charity, while reducing their federally taxable income, are back.
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50 Classic Spring Recipes to Make All Season Long

With spring in more or less full swing, it’s time to swap those winter soups and hearty casseroles for favorite Southern salad, sides and desserts that are perfect for warmer weather. Every spring meal could do with a classic or two, like fried green tomatoes or a refreshing radish, avocado and citrus salad.
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